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sysadmin:dokuwiki:dokuwiki_install_aws_ec2 [2020/10/07 18:05]
sysadmin:dokuwiki:dokuwiki_install_aws_ec2 [2020/10/07 20:09] (current)
Line 16: Line 16:
 </code> </code>
   - Edit **httpd.conf** file by running ''sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'' Linux shell command with following contents: <WRAP center round alert 60%>   - Edit **httpd.conf** file by running ''sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'' Linux shell command with following contents: <WRAP center round alert 60%>
-Replace //<<Private IP Address of EC2 Instance>>// \\  
 Replace //<<Server Administrator Email address>>// \\  Replace //<<Server Administrator Email address>>// \\ 
 Replace //<<Website DNS>>// Replace //<<Website DNS>>//
 </WRAP><file conf httpd.conf> </WRAP><file conf httpd.conf>
-Listen <<Private IP Address of EC2 Instance>>:80+#Listen 80
 ServerAdmin <<Server Administrator Email address>> ServerAdmin <<Server Administrator Email address>>
 ServerName <<Website DNS>>:80 ServerName <<Website DNS>>:80
Line 53: Line 52:
 sudo chmod -R 0700 vendor sudo chmod -R 0700 vendor
 </code> </code>
-  - From web browser on your PC, go to ''http:%%//%%<<Elastic IP>>/install.php''+  - Update DNS host record with your Domain Registrar or Domain Management Service 
 +  - From web browser on your PC, go to ''https:%%//%%<<domain name>>/install.php''
   - Fill all the required details   - Fill all the required details
   - Generate CloudFlare Origin Certificate   - Generate CloudFlare Origin Certificate
-  - Run following commands to create certificates:<WRAP center round info 60%>+  - Run following Linux shell commands to create certificates:<WRAP center round info 60%>
 [[]] \\ [[]] \\
 [[]] [[]]
Line 64: Line 64:
 Replace //<<Paste Private Key>>// with Private Key for Origin Certificate generated in your CloudFlare account  Replace //<<Paste Private Key>>// with Private Key for Origin Certificate generated in your CloudFlare account 
 </WRAP><code> </WRAP><code>
-mkdir /usr/local/ssl +sudo mkdir /usr/local/ssl 
-vi /usr/local/ssl/<<domain name>>.crt+sudo vi /usr/local/ssl/<<domain name>>.crt
 <<Paste Origin Certificate>> <<Paste Origin Certificate>>
-vi /usr/local/ssl/<<domain name>>.crt+sudo vi /usr/local/ssl/<<domain name>>.crt
 <<Paste Private Key>> <<Paste Private Key>>
-vi /usr/local/ssl/cloudflare.crt +sudo vi /usr/local/ssl/cloudflare.crt 
-</code><file txt cloudflare.crt>+<<Paste CloudFlare certificate from below>> 
 +</code>[[]]<file txt cloudflare.crt>
Line 104: Line 105:
 </file> </file>
   - Run following Linux shell command to restart Apache httpd service:<code>   - Run following Linux shell command to restart Apache httpd service:<code>
-sudo service httpd restart+sudo systemctl restart httpd
 </code> </code>
-  - Update DNS host record with your Domain Registrar or Domain Management Service 
   - Test security of your website by accessing ''https:%%//%%<<domain name>>/data/pages/wiki/dokuwiki.txt''. Refer to [[doku>security#web_access_security]] for detailed instructions on how to properly secure important directories in your DokuWiki installation.   - Test security of your website by accessing ''https:%%//%%<<domain name>>/data/pages/wiki/dokuwiki.txt''. Refer to [[doku>security#web_access_security]] for detailed instructions on how to properly secure important directories in your DokuWiki installation.
sysadmin/dokuwiki/dokuwiki_install_aws_ec2.1602093956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/07 18:05 by vidyasb